Free NECO Biology Practical Expo 2020 - ZAZZAFA TV
A - Yam Tuber
B - Cassava Tuber
C - Quadrat
D - Insect net
E - Rain gauge
F - Rice grain
G - Dry groundnut seeds
A is propagated by small tubers
B is propagated by stem
F is propagated by seed
C - It is used to determine the population of small organisms, small plants or crawling insects.
D - It is used to catch flying insects
E - It is used to measure amount of rainfall or precipitation.
8-10cm well labeled Diagram of Insect net
H - Contour feather
I - Quill feather
J - Filoplume
K - Millipede
L - Centipede
(i) They protect birds from the cold
(ii) They are used for flight
(iii) They provide insulation to birds
(iv) They serve as waterproof to birds
(i) Wings
(ii) Tail
Diagram of specimen I.
(i) H - It aids in thermoregulation
(ii) J - It helps birds in detecting changes in feather position caused by body movement or wind
K - Diplopoda
L - Chilopoda.
In tabular form
Specimen K:
(i) They are more rounded.
(ii) They have two sets of legs per segment positioned directly under their body.
Specimen L:
(i) They have a flatter body
(ii) They have one set of legs per segment positioned on the side of their body.
M - Grasshopper
N - spider
O - Larva of a house fly
P - Larva of a mosquito
Q - Flamboyant flower
R - Hibiscus flower
(i) M - Insecta
(ii) N - Arachnida
(i) Specimen N has four pairs of legs.
(ii) It has two additional pairs of appendages.
(iii) Specimen N does not have antennae or wings.
O - Decaying matter
P - stagnant water
(i) Anthers
(ii) Filaments
Diagram of specimen Q.
M - Grasshopper
N - spider
O - Larva of a house fly
P - Larva of a mosquito
Q - Flamboyant flower
R - Hibiscus flower
(i) M - Insecta
(ii) N - Arachnida
(i) Specimen N has four pairs of legs.
(ii) It has two additional pairs of appendages.
(iii) Specimen N does not have antennae or wings.
O - Decaying matter
P - stagnant water
(i) Anthers
(ii) Filaments
Diagram of specimen Q.
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